Video Specialist / 視訊專家
Senior Executive
1 month ago
視訊專家地點:菲律賓馬尼拉公司: Elogio Asia 是醫療美容行業領先的經銷商,專注於尖端雷射技術和注射產品。職位概述:我們正在尋找一位創意視訊專家加入我們的媒
公司: Elogio Asia 是醫療美容行業領先的經銷商,專注於尖端雷射技術和注射產品。
- 為各種平台(包括社交媒體、活動和促銷活動)策劃、拍攝和編輯影片和靜態圖像
- 領導和協作視訊專案的故事板和概念開發
- 創建符合品牌準則並與目標受眾產生共鳴的引人入勝的內容
- 隨時了解影片製作趨勢和技術,以增強視覺內容
- 在現場活動期間與外部供應商協調 AV 同步
- 在適當的時候協助舉辦活動、會議和活動
- 有平面設計或動畫經驗者優先
- 根據需要執行其他臨時任務
- 在影片製作和相機操作方面擁有豐富的經驗
- 豐富的編輯經驗 (Adobe Creative Cloud)
- 了解社群媒體趨勢和影片內容創作
- 較強的溝通與協作能力
- 願意在亞太地區旅行
- 與富有創意的多元文化團隊合作
- 在充滿活力的公司中獲得成長的機會
- 為亞太地區有影響力的項目做出貢獻
Elogio Asia was incorporated on 28th January 2003. The original intent of starting this company was to provide the aesthetic and beauty market skin care products that really work and beauty equipment that meant to achieve results. At that time, there was a lack of good quality beauty products and aesthetic equipment in the market that work and achieve the desired results for customers. Elogio Asia is constantly looking out for such products and equipment that can enhance the total body wellness and achieving vitality to the body health from top to toe. Elogio Asia positions herself not only as a product distributor in the region but also a beauty and wellness concept provider where we specialize in providing our customers, salon owners and aesthetic doctors, unique concepts and protocols in treating their customers and patients satisfactorily achieving the results they desire. We offer solutions by creating concepts that target the very core problem areas faced by the customers. Elogio Asia seeks to be a trend-setter by engaging in beauty-related research and development so that we can help our customers obtain and achieve optimum results. We are now representative and sole distributor to Asia for some of the best quality and well known products and equipment from United Kingdom, Korea, Spain, Italy and Japan.
Elogio Asia is also a company that instills social responsibility to the society by involving and supporting in community projects. We also inculcate mutual respect amongst staff by listening and caring for one another so as to make the working environment conducive, stress-free and enjoyable. We hope as the Company grows, the staff who is our important and main asset, will also grow with us.