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Jobs in Philippines   »   Jobs in Quezon City   »   Non-voice Tutors (Remote, Flexible, Earn $1500+)
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Non-voice Tutors (Remote, Flexible, Earn $1500+)

Course Hero

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Course Hero is growing our global team of tutors! Course Hero is hiring experts in a wide variety of subjects who want to leverage their knowledge to answer text-based questions and support our community of 20+ million students.

As a tutor on Course Hero, you will choose the subjects in which you want to answer questions. You will then select questions and provide text-based answers and explanations to students who need help better understanding the questions, topics, and subjects they are studying.

The benefits of being a tutor on Course Hero include:

  • Earn $$$: Tutors earn $2-$15 per question and top tutors can earn $1,500+ per month (earnings vary depending on the number of questions answered, subject category, question difficulty, answer quality, and other factors).

  • Work when you want: All questions and answers are text-based, so no audio or video is required. This means tutors can answer questions anytime and from anywhere. Tutors can also choose how many questions they want to answer.

  • Help students learn: By sharing guidance and expertise, tutors empower students to learn more effectively, and by doing so, feel more confident and prepared both in school and after graduation.

  • Build your resume: Tutors can feature their tutoring experience on their resume. Whether you’re looking for your first job or your next job, tutoring is a great way to show that you’re growing and developing your knowledge.

  • Sharpen your expertise: Whether you’re a professional, recent graduate, or current student, being a tutor and answering questions will sharpen your expertise and strengthen your skillset.

Requirements to apply include:

  • Ability to read and write fluently in English
  • A second-year college student or above
  • Transcript of Records and Valid Government-issued ID

To apply, please use the following resources:

  • Apply here: https://chtutors.com/chnoctutor

  • Referral code: NJSP24Q3

  • Learn more: https://bit.ly/CHonlinetutorkit

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